Author Topic: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.  (Read 52281 times)

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Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #135 on: January 23, 2014, 01:49:35 PM »

I'm sure other police forces around the world would be fascinated to learn more about such missing child strategies...
Then usefully inform them !


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Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #136 on: January 23, 2014, 02:03:29 PM »
Maybe he needed to find himself a spokesperson >@@(*&)

Offline Carana

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #137 on: January 23, 2014, 02:22:25 PM »
Then usefully inform them !

Nah. I'll leave the honour to Luz.


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Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #138 on: January 23, 2014, 02:32:20 PM »
Nah. I'll leave the honour to Luz.
Is that too much work for you ?

Offline Carana

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #139 on: January 23, 2014, 02:33:26 PM »
I suppose that if wandering off is excluded, that only leaves kidnap.

I'm in two minds at the moment as to whether he could have wandered off and got lost or not. According to one of the articles I've posted, he was found 20m from a footpath leading towards the uncle's house. What would seem odd is that no one seems to have heard him yelling for his mum in what seems to be a rural area. But if he'd gone running off after a puppy or something, he might have been quite far before anyone noticed he was missing.

Against that is the - so far - wildly varying reports of how far away he was actually found. I've read 1km/2km/3km. If he was only 1 km away, I suppose it's feasible, 3km would seem hugely unlikely. There's also the question of whether or not the little tot could have survived all that time in cold, rainy weather. There's also the fact that the forest rangers apparently checked the area at some point, but if he'd fallen asleep and wasn't visible, they could easily have missed him, particularly if they didn't have much experience in looking for missing toddlers.

Offline Carana

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #140 on: January 23, 2014, 02:45:43 PM »
Is that too much work for you ?

I really can't see myself explaining to Interpol that the best strategy to find a potentially living child in cold, rainy weather is to call off the search less than a day later, while they interrogate the parents, tell the newspapers that they suspect the parents/family in the hope that a potential abductor will dump the child who will hopefully be screaming its head off when a couple of levadeiros happen to be walking by.

I expect that Luz could explain that cunning strategy far better than I could.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 02:58:29 PM by Carana »

Online Eleanor

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #141 on: January 25, 2014, 05:35:37 PM »
Could I ask why Luz hasn't been laughed off The Forum?

The PJ left that child to freeze or drown, in the hope that they might catch his abductor, while setting up a case against his parents.?
This is such a disgrace that beggars belief.
And God help his parents  if he had been found dead.  Luz would have had them nailed to the wall.


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Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #142 on: January 25, 2014, 06:03:28 PM »
Could I ask why Luz hasn't been laughed off The Forum?

The PJ left that child to freeze or drown, in the hope that they might catch his abductor, while setting up a case against his parents.?
This is such a disgrace that beggars belief.
And God help his parents  if he had been found dead.  Luz would have had them nailed to the wall.

You guys have had so much advice for the world's police forces since 2007 by now you could have compiled a ground breaking, internationally recognised training manual ?{)(**

Online Eleanor

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #143 on: January 25, 2014, 06:42:28 PM »
You guys have had so much advice for the world's police forces since 2007 by now you could have compiled a ground breaking, internationally recognised training manual ?{)(**

You mean that The PJ need that much help?  Oh Dear.  Okay.  Let's start with the fact that the parents aren't always culpable.  Never could it have been so proven without this last debacle.
God is good.  And so is Karma.  Tick bleeding Tock.

Offline Carana

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #144 on: January 25, 2014, 08:46:05 PM »
You guys have had so much advice for the world's police forces since 2007 by now you could have compiled a ground breaking, internationally recognised training manual ?{)(**

The PJ may well be cash-strapped, but there are quite a few resources online (even for the general public). What is the purpose of regional international police conferences if not to share best practice, lessons learned and future orientations?

Offline John

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #145 on: January 28, 2014, 09:40:11 AM »
Baby Daniel discharged from hospital in Funchal.

The boy of 18 months who had been missing for three days in Calheta, Madeira, will be discharged on Monday, told Lusa the president of the Regional Health Service

 'The child will be discharged today, "said Miguel Ferreira, ensuring that Daniel is" clinically well ".

 The doctor said that the hospital 'communicated this decision to the authorities, in this case the Judicial Police, who raised no objection or limitation on the output of the child'.

Daniel arrives home in the arms of his aunt.

Daniel disappeared on the afternoon of Sunday, January 19, for a family life, the home of the sponsors, the site of the Kings Above Calheta in the upper part of the municipality of Calheta.

 Was found three days later, on the morning of Wednesday, by a levadeiro (professional responsible for the distribution of irrigation water in Madeira), taken in a nearby home where it disappeared.

 He was then transported to the Hospital of Funchal, and doctors considered it was "clinically well", giving only 'signs of cold. "

 The boy was hospitalized and, the next day, the clinical analyzes' showed some degree of muscle pain ", so the doctor decided to equip prolong hospitalization.

 The Judiciary Police coordinator in Madeira, Eduardo Nunes, admitted at the time, following the steps taken if being-towards a 'kidnapping'.

 The PJ continues to investigate the case.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 10:07:53 AM by John »
A malicious prosecution for a crime which never existed. An exposé of egregious malfeasance by public officials.
Indeed, the truth never changes with the passage of time.

Offline John

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #146 on: January 28, 2014, 10:00:01 AM »
It has also been disclosed that the family of Daniel has been promised €15,000 in help from the Governor of Madeira.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 10:12:15 AM by John »
A malicious prosecution for a crime which never existed. An exposé of egregious malfeasance by public officials.
Indeed, the truth never changes with the passage of time.

Offline John

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #147 on: January 28, 2014, 10:22:24 AM »
"I've got what I want most at home," says mother of little Daniel.

The family of the18 month old child who was missing for three days in Calheta in Madeira Island, said, on Monday, to be satisfied with his homecoming.

 "Right now I've got what I most want at home is Daniel," said the mother of Daniel, Lydia Freitas, when he arrived at his house at number 133 of the Loin of Orange Road, in the upper parish of Calheta .

 The mother, accompanied by Aunt Katie, arrived this Monday, at the in-laws house, who live with the boy who was immediately taken from the car and carried, wrapped in a blanket, into the house.

 "Daniel is well thanks to God, thanking you [media] that [we] given some privacy because Daniel at this time, wants to be near family," she said.

 Also grandfather, Augustine Abreu said the boy at home "is happier" at home.

 Grandmother, Rosa Sousa, also expressed her satisfaction saying she was "happy that the nightmare is over."
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 10:29:10 AM by John »
A malicious prosecution for a crime which never existed. An exposé of egregious malfeasance by public officials.
Indeed, the truth never changes with the passage of time.


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Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #148 on: January 28, 2014, 11:32:00 AM »
A PSP officer is in hot water for posing for photographs with ‘missing’ Madeira baby Daniel Abreu moments after the little boy was found. The policeman then apparently tried to sell the shots to the media. The photos showed him smiling into the camera in full uniform holding a confused Daniel in his arms. The PSP’s regional command has now opened an investigation into the unorthodox behaviour. Diário de Notícias claims it could constitute a “serious disciplinary infraction” as it “exposed the minor to illicit photography”. The paper went on to say that the officer, who works locally in Calheta, vowed that the money he made would all be going to the family. The photos eventually appeared in the Tribuna de Madeira weekly newspaper, under the headline: “A happy ending enveloped in mystery”, and mystery indeed remains the order of the day. Daniel has finally been released from hospital where he had been undergoing tests, and newspapers now say the Madeira government will be offering the little boy’s hard-up family €15,000 to repair their home. It’s a promise that has been met with incredulity from Daniel’s grandfather who told Correio da Manhã that people had known of their problems “for years” and never offered help of any kind. “We will just hope it isn’t another promise that nobody keeps,” said Agostinho Abreu. Meantime, Polícia Judiciária detectives have reportedly “identified” the person suspected of having snatched Daniel from his family, but as yet no further details have been released. Daniel Abreu, 18 months old, was reported missing by his family on January 19. He was found three days later near an irrigation canal, a couple of kilometres from where he disappeared.

Offline Mr Moderator

Re: Baby boy missing on the island of Madeira found safe and well.
« Reply #149 on: June 23, 2014, 10:06:40 AM »
Guardianship of the children of Lydia Vieira will be decided by the Court of Funchal

Sunday, June 22 2014

The regional director of Social Security, Bernadette Vieira said Monday that the Court will decide who gets guardianship of minors, Mariana and Daniel, sons of Lydia Vieira, who is detained at the Prison of Funchal.

Daniel's mother, the boy who has been missing for three days in January in Calheta, gave Saturday night entry into the prison of the barrier, being suspected of involvement in the case, said the source of the Judicial Police.

"She was arrested, defendant was composed and conducted the Prison Cancela and back on Monday to be heard by the investigating judge," said the same source tonight.

"Right now the situation is a crime which is the Court who will decide what to do about the guardianship of minor children and Social Security will meet what the court decides, a situation that is now beyond the services of Social Security", Lusa said Bernadette Vieira.

"We have to await the court's decision," he added.

The boy's mother 18 months, along with the child's father and another individual - unidentified - gave evidence early Saturday at the site of PJ in Funchal for about seven hours, being suspected of having "staged" the disappearance of son.

The arrest of Daniel's mother comes after disagreements with the child's father, following which led to accusations that PJ to make several steps, including interrogations, which began Friday were made.

Daniel, a boy of 18 months, has been missing since the afternoon January 19, when it was a family gathering at his uncle's house, located on the site of the Kings Over in the upper part of the municipality of Calheta, eventually be found three days later by a professional responsible for the distribution of irrigation water in Madeira between 07:00 and 08:00 in the woods.

When found, the child showed signs of cold, but according to the pediatrician noted that the Hospital of Funchal, was "clinically well".

At the time, the doctor found "puzzling" that the baby was able to survive alone in the open for three days and nights in the highlands of Calheta.

After prompting the child's disappearance has triggered a search operation to find the boy, but at the end of the next morning, the coordinator of the PJ in Funchal gave a "finished" searches without the child had been found.

The arrest of Daniel's mother happens after six months of his disappearance.

Digital Diary with Lusa
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 10:10:32 AM by Mr Moderator »